‘What can a Nutritionist do for me?!?’

love your liver
Imagine a nutritionist introducing themselves to you and immediately you realise that you don’t need them! You already know what you should eat- more fruits and veggies, add some beans and greens and stay away from sugar and saturated fats. And we can’t forget the water and to reduce stress! So, you think to yourself, with a dash of guilt: ‘I already know what I need to do, I try hard to be ‘good’ but sometimes delicious and convenient foods just win. Besides, you cannot have friends and not eat out at the pub! Plus home cooking is expensive and takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, others need nutritionists, not me!’

'Not good enough?!?'

Perhaps people’s first reaction is that a nutritionist will make them feel bad for their ‘less than perfect’ food choices. The truth is often at the opposite spectrum. Empathy and a desire to help is often at the core of our work. Many nutritionists have chosen this path as they themselves struggled with different health challenges and overcame them.
Talking from my experience when in my 20s I started to have the first signs of an autoimmune condition called Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was confused and scared and had absolutely no idea what can help my situation. I just knew that is very serious and food can’t have anything to do with such a severe and debilitating condition.
Later on, by God’s help, I learnt and understood how much what I eat and not eat can help me. Moreover, I found later after studying nutrition at the prestigious College of Naturopathic Medicine in London, that there are functional tests that can help us ascertain key information about how well we deal with stress, how well is our microbiome, do we have any bugs in our gut (yeaks), how is our mitochondria working and a lot of other important information.

...but I already know what to eat! My five a day.

Perhaps you ask yourself: ‘Do I need a nutritionist if I already know to eat healthy?’ This is a good question and it’s worth taking some time to ponder over it.
  1. If you are feeling healthy, happy and full of energy then is sounds like you don’t need a nutritionist! Continue to do what works for you and congratulate yourself for a work well done. 🙂
  2. If you know what you need to eat but often struggle to do it due to different reasons like it takes to much time to cook or you go out and eat a lot or simply you have no good recipes for healthy eating then you will benefit from working with a nutritionist. We offer a plan but also support along the journey. Each nutritionist has their own style. For example I work with people for 6 weeks, 3 months or 6 months and have a weekly check in to offer support, encouragement and accountability. Often is sad that people have to struggle alone to reach their health goals. And often having someone there to cheer you and to give you ideas and tips can be the difference between success or frustration.
  3. If you have a chronic disease is always a good idea to work with a nutritionist to look how can you best support your body to become stronger and healthier. I support people with autoimmune conditions like R.A, Lupus, M.S and people that have skin issues like Eczema, Acnee, psoriasis or people that suffer with Asthma. Also people that suffer from depression can benefit by getting their body as healthy as possible. This is alongside other Psychologic Therapies.

'I already know probably more than a Nutritionist but still have chronic health problems!'

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Sometimes it happens that we read everything we can put our hands on, books, online, videos buy still we can’t seem to find the right solution. Even after months or years of trying and hundreds of pounds spent on supplement and special foods we are still not there yet.

This is a common situation because our bodies are so complex and often we find ourselves guessing what is wrong with us. Here at Health Resync we put a big emphasis on testing so we take the guessing out and get better results. Our focus is to uncover and identify the root cause of your health issues and that gives us the best chance to restore health.

If you like help with your chronic health problems, don't hesitate to chat to us and see how we can help you. Ask us any questions you might have.